4 Tips on Planning a Newborn Party at Home

A New Life Has Come Into the World

Maybe you can’t hold your newborn on Pride Rock like a lion cub out of a Disney movie while the whole kingdom bends the knee, but that moment from The Lion King reveals something true. It’s worth celebrating the life of a newborn.

Really, in our own ways, we are all kings and queens. Each of us leaves our mark on the world, no matter how big or small, and the beginning of our time here is worth celebrating. In light of this, here we’ll explore four ways you can plan a newborn party at your home.

1. Decorate to Celebrate the Newborn

First and foremost, you want newborn party decorations to match the baby. Little girls are complemented by pink-colored décor, boys by blue decorations. In either scenario, you’ll likely want to get flowers. Bluebells and sweet peas are fine options, but they’re far from the only flowers out there.

2. Try to Have the Party From Mid to Late Afternoon

It’s best not to keep the baby up extremely late. This is for the sake of the child, and the sake of the parents. New parents don’t get much sleep during the first two years of their child’s development. Those two years are going to age you a bit. So don’t give yourself more difficulty than you’re already going to face. Hold the party in the afternoon.

Your baby will remain on his or her natural sleep schedule, and as is possible, so will you. They’re likely going to wake up at three in the morning anyway, you might as well give yourself a leg up where possible. Plan the party for the afternoon.

3. Plan the Party in Advance, But Wait For The Actual Birth

Sometimes a baby is born premature, sometimes a baby is born late. Adult schedules aren’t as flexible as the calendar of younger individuals before parenthood and its associated responsibility. Accordingly, you probably shouldn’t even plan a newborn party until the mother and child have been home for a month or so. Also, let her manage the event.

4. Be Sure That You Invite the Right People to the Occasion

Postpartum depression is real and can manifest in strange ways. Fatherhood, similarly, changes the psychological egress of a man. Whether you’re a new mom planning a newborn party, or a new dad handling the details, you want to be very careful that only the right people are invited.

You want close friends and family. Plan for a relatively brief affair—as appropriate. Sometimes you’ve got resources requisite to flexibility and long-term celebration. In some countries, wedding parties last for weeks, and similar circumstances may accompany certain newborn parties. In most cases, such affairs will be intimate and only last a few hours.

A Newborn Party That’s Full of Healthy, Celebratory Festivity
Decorate to celebrate the newborn, plan the party for the afternoon, be sure to plan it after the birth, and be extra sure that you invite the right people. Such moves should help you plan a newborn party that’s memorable and appropriate.